10 Trinity House lighthouses and locations to be lit in memory of the casualties of First World War on 11 November 2018, to commemorate the end the World War one. Across the UK, many beacons are planned to be lit on the same day, representing the culmination of darkness and return of the light of peace and harmony at 7 pm where Trinity House will participate and all public members came to witness the display. The following locations are designated for lighting the beacons. Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Minister and Viscount Grey of Fallodon made a comment on August 1914 about the gas lights that lighted up at dusk along London. Mall while he was gazing out of the window and it paved the way for the inspiration of this event. He stated to his friend that the lamps were lit all over Europe and some of them might not even be lit in their lifetime. The commemorative event will be held throughout the day on 11 November 2018, where Beacons will be lighted as a part of Battles?